Current Issue
Планируемая дата выпуска: 31.03.2025
Research Works in Economics and Management
Practice-Oriented Papers in Economics and Management
Young Researchers' Papers
"Journal "U". Economy. Management. Finance." is a peer-reviewed scientific publication devoted to original research of problems in the field of economy and management. Authors are invited to the publication of results of scientific research, reports of conferences, the overview of business and scientific literature, the reviews, the expert evaluations and other materials meeting the requirements of the journal. Scientists, graduate students, undergraduates, students, public men, politicians, economists from Russia, from the CIS and other foreign countries are invited to cooperation.
Schedule: 4 issues a year.
Languages: Russian, English.
All articles published in the journal are in open access on our website and in the electronic scientific library (
Certificate number of registration in Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR): ЭЛ № ФС 77 - 64116. ISSN 2500-2309
Payment Publication
The admission fee for the publication is 200 rubles for each 1800 characters, including gaps (1 page of the manuscript).
The urgent publication is paid with 30% supplementary to the cost of the publication (the publication will be sent for consideration in a priority order and will be published on the website in day of a payment receipt).
Additional services:
Translation of an annotation and keywords into English – 100 rubles.
The certificate of acceptance of material to the publication: the scan — is free; sending the original by mail Russia — 200 rub.
The authors publishing materials repeatedly receive a discount of 10%.