1. All manuscripts coming to the Journal "U". Economy. Management. Finance" go to obligatory peer-reviewing.
2. After reception of an article to the journal, its structure and content are checked according the established requirements of the journal, and also respect for political and religious ethics.
In case of successful primary check, the article goes for peer-reviewing to one of members of the editorial board who within 5 working days writes the review in which takes up the following questions:
- whether the title of the article corresponds to its content;
- novelty of an article and its type (problem-solving or survey);
- whether an article is available to the reader from the point of view of style of statement, language, form, presentation of fugures, tables, charts, formulas;
- article's value taking into account earlier issued literature;
- assessment of an article regarding borrowings and plagiarism;
- notes and comments on completion of an article if those are available;
- conclusion of a possibility of the publication of the article, a possibility of the publication with specified corrections or impossibility of the publication of the article in the Journal "U". Economy. Management. Finance".
3. If the review contains recommendations about correction and completion of an article, journal's edition sends to the author the text of the review with the offer to consider recommendations by preparation of new version of an article or to confute them well-argued (partially or fully). The Article modifed by author repeatedly goes for peer-reviewing.
4. The Article rejected by the reviewer will not be accepted for the publication. The text of the negative review with reasons of refusal will be sent to the author by e-mail.
5. In case of positive decision on the reception of an article to the publication journal's edition informs the author about it and specifies publication terms. The review goes to the author by e-mail.
6. Originals of reviews are stored in edition of the Journal "U". Economy. Management. Finance" within five years (Including for provision to competent authorities on demand).