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Author Guidelines

Articles sent to the peer-review for the publication in the Journal "U". Economy. Management. Finance" must conform to the following requirements.

1. Only original and earlier not published materials are accepted.

2. Recommended amount of materials

– from 4 000 characters (including spaces) to 40 000 characters (including spaces), without including the list of references and  information identifying the author(s). If your article is bigger, it is recommended to break it into several articles.

3. The paper should be formatted as follows:

  • Document in MS Word format, OpenOffice, RTF.
  • Font: Latin, Times New Roman, font size 14.
  • Top/bottom Margins – 2,5; Left Margin – 3; Right Margin – 1,5.
  • Line spacing: 1,5.
  • Indent – 1,25.
  • Vertical Alignment.

4. All submissions should be structured in the following order:

4.1. The author(s)' names

4.2. Short biography of approximately 80 words for each author (academic degree, rank, status (student, Master’s student, post-graduate student))

4.3. Contact details (including email, postal address, fax and telephone number) for the corresponding author.

4.4. ORCID  (if any)

4.5. The title of the paper (in bold, centered)

4.6. Abstract of approximately 450-500 characters (including spaces) summarizing the main argument and findings of the paper;

4.7. Keywords (3 up to 8 words)

4.8. Body

4.9. References and Notes are given in the alphabetical order (bold, centered). References should be complete, including the full list of authors, the full titles, and the inclusive pagination. See the requirements of GOST 7.0.5-2008 and APA Citation Style (for english version) for details of citation and reference style.

4.10. Tables should be included within the text and numbered. The first sentence of the table legend should be a brief descriptive title. General rules and requirements.

Information indicated in 4.1 – 4.7, 4.9 should be also translated in English. 

The reference is arranged in the form of square brackets in which number of material from the list of references is specified [1].

ATTENTION! If you had problems with the translation of the title of your article, annotation, keywords and references in English, then the editorial office of the journal can provide you translation services.

Cost of translation of the title of an article, annotation, keywords and references into English – 200 rubles.

In case of need of this type of service, please specify it in the request for the publication of an article.

5. Graphical materials and tables should be accurate and well readable.

Consecutive numbering.

The title of the figure should be in the center.

Figure 1 – Title of the figure.

The title of the table – left aligned.

Table 1 – Title of the table.

6. If material is supplied with formulas, they should be arranged by Microsoft Word 2003, 2007 for an insert of formulas or the MathType program.

7. Articles are published in author's edition.

Articles are published without corrections. Before sending the text of an article to the journal, the Author assumes liabilities that the text of the article is a final version, contains the authentic data concerning results of a research and doesn't require completions.

All articles submitted to the Journal "U". Economy. Management. Finance." are screened for plagiarism using system located on the website The article which contains more than 80 % of the original text can be accepted for publication.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

Research Works in Economics and Management

Статьи, ориентированные на исследователей, описывающие как результаты эмпирических исследований, так и теоретико-методологические работы, в том числе и переводы важных, программных статей, глав книг.

Practice-Oriented Papers in Economics and Management

Статьи, целевой аудиторией которых будут специалисты-практики, работающие с организациями. Эти статьи будут содержать опыт решения каких-либо задач или проблем, описание частных случаев (кейсов), методических инструментов (методов, методик), используемых для организационной диагностики, и т.д.


  • Тематические обзоры по отдельным направлениям или проблемам экономики и менеджмента.
  • Обзоры ресурсов Интернета – российских и зарубежных, полезных и интересных для экономистов и менеджеров.

Young Researchers' Papers

Работы молодых коллег, только начинающих свою профессиональную деятельность в области экономики и менеджмента (студенты, выпускники, аспиранты).


Сообщения о прошедших и готовящихся конференциях. Публикация программ конференций, заметок от участников. Тезисов выступлений.

Литературный гид

Тематические списки важнейших литературных источников по разным тематическим разделам и проблемным областям организационной психологии (русскоязычные и англоязычные книги и статьи), рекомендации от экспертов о том, что почитать по данной проблематике.

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Имена и адреса электронной почты, введенные на сайте этого журнала, будут использованы исключительно для целей, обозначенных этим журналом, и не будут использованы для каких-либо других целей или предоставлены другим лицам и организациям.