Consequences of anti-Russian sanctions for the economy of the Russian federation


  • Ekaterina Bakhireva Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • Zhanna Nikiforova Institute of Industrial Management, Economics and Trade Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University


anti-Russian economic sanctions, foreign trade relations, world trade, foreign economic activity, export, import, import substitution, inflation


This article provides a study and detailed analysis of anti-Russian economic sanctions and their impact on the foreign trade activities of the Russian Federation, which will help to understand the consequences of sanctions measures, assess economic and political risks and develop strategies aimed at minimizing negative consequences. The article also provides an analysis of the incomes of the population and individual industries during the sanctions period. In conclusion, promising directions for the development of foreign trade relations of the Russian Federation and, in general, the directions of foreign economic activity were formed.






Research Works in Economics and Management

How to Cite

Consequences of anti-Russian sanctions for the economy of the Russian federation. (2023). "Journal "U". Economy. Management. Finance.", 2, 61-68.